Have a burning question? Want to get in touch?
Send me an email at: jane@topbestjuicersreviews.com
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Here are some of my most frequently asked questions:
What are some of the health benefits you’ve experienced from juicing?
I have a lot more energy in the mornings and throughout my day. I also seem to be eating smaller portions of food less frequently, as well as not feeling the urge to snack between meals.
Have you ever changed up juices because they taste too yucky, not getting the desired effects etc.?
Absolutely. I’m a big believer in using produce that is in season and that tastes good to you. What you need to be careful with however, is overloading on too many natural sugars. For example, It’s easy to swap out celery for orange because you don’t like the taste of celery juice. But if you already have say, apples, carrots or pineapple in the juice, adding in another sweet fruit would make for a sugar overload.
If you’re inclined to swap out one fruit or vegetable for another, try to remember why the recipe calls for that in the first place. Some of the greens in particular can take some getting used to (wheatgrass shots anyone!?) and I encourage persistance. Your body will thank you for it in the long run.
What are some of your favorite juices, and which one do you feel has had the most health benefits?
I love to juice with beetroot and ginger. Ginger gives an amazing spice and raw beetroot is so refreshing. You can find one of my favorite beetroot juices here. It doesn’t have ginger in the recipe, but feel free to add it if you like a little spicy kick!
As far as health benefits go, celery juice on an empty stomach does wonders for your body. For me, learning to drink straight celery juice was definitely an acquired taste. But the health benefits far outweigh the taste.
Do you do juice cleanses?
Occasionally I do. If I feel like I’ve overdone it with work, stress or made poor food choices I will do a juice and soft food cleanse. I find this helps to clear your body of toxins and give it a necessary break from digestion. In the process, you may notice the garden variety effects of detoxing from caffeine, processed sugar, and alcohol.
I tend to get headaches, brain fog and nausea, but that’s how I know the nasties are detoxing from my body.